Saturday, October 13, 2007

a strange world, Toto...

Some weird stuff is weird. I was checking my email and I saw these headlines:

"Karaoke singer bites ear off"


"3 year old marries 7 year old"

I am putting the links in here. Anyone else thinks these are sick?


arica said...

oh my goshh that guy really was weird

broadway girl said...

Where do you get this stuff? It's so wierd!

Laura said...

Yes, but you can also find the stupid news too.

Laura said...

Grr, it cut off my link! Well here's the first part. It will take you into the world of stupid (but true) news. Earlier this year there was an article about how some German guy accidentally glued himself to his roof! He was ok, just a little sticky. I actually gave that as a current event report in my Government class last year!

vogieairman said...

I don't even have to look at the links to decide how stupidly weird it is. Of course weird stuff is weird.

vogieairman said...

When are you going to post again? I'm tired of reading about weirdos.