Saturday, September 1, 2007

Thank God for Holidays!

I am going to church tomorrow! Thank God for holidays!

Anyway, so I have a couple of more songs on my other site. If you don't know what I am talking about, click in my link section the one that says "The ramblings of the clown and center stage". I am just too lazy to put a link up right now.

Last night I went to go see Nick and Libby perform at their drama camp in Allentown. It was a great time to get out for awhile and relax watching my friends work ;0). They did several different dramas. Nick played Huck Finn, Mr. Boddy from CLUE, and a king for another drama, while Libby did Ms. Scarlet, Mercy from Pilgrim's Progress, and one of Nick's twelve daughters (He had more kids than we did, Laura). I think my favorite costume was Nick's King outfit. Seriously, if you saw my emperor outfit for THE EMPEROR"S NEW CLOTHES, you have a basic idea of what it was. So gaudy, so ugly.

A warning: if you don't want your hair cut, don't walk into a barbershop. My brother wanted to get his hair cut yesterday after work, so mom took him over and she also made me get a trim. It's short! NO!!! But it's okay I guess. I'll have to live with it, unless I get a wig or a toupe.

daffynition: Theater - what you respond with when asked, "what happened to Glenda? (If you don't read the King James, you might not get it.)


Laura said...

Wow! 12 kids! But were they all girls and as "well" behaved as our four? I guess we'll have to get working on that! *wink, wink* Haha.

vogieairman said...

Thanks a lot about the costume! :I