Saturday, August 18, 2007


Well, life just keeps trudging along. I start EMT classes tomorrow, something to which I am not looking forward. But, since mom and dad want me to do it, I'll do it. Geoff and I have to skip church on Sundays from now until December to go to the community college and take 7 hours out with this class. Oh, I'm not missing church completely. On Wednesdays I have church with my youth group and I may go to a church on Saturdays. But believe me, I cannot wait until this is over.
I cannot wait until the next drama practice. I guess I better be learning my lines before I do much of anything else, huh?   


broadway girl said...

I can't wait for the next rehersal either. Work on those lines. I'm plugging away at my.

Laura said...

I wish I had lines to learn! :-(

Miss Athenry said...

You and me both buddy.
Hey, you could just come to my church, since we meet on Saturdays and all! Good luck with starting classes.